The Bloody Mary Restaurant/Bar, Bora Bora.   Listed on the board are Harrison Ford, Dianna (Diana) Ross,
Jane Fonda, etc.  The bottom of the board reads, "Bloody Marys Famous Guests".  At right you can see the
entertainers at the Bloody Mary.  Good music, great food.
Pago Pago, American Samoa.  Pronounced Pango Pango, though there is no N in the name.  
Left - Here I am in front of the tour bus!  Completely air conditioned, as you can see!
Right - The natives on Pago Pago believe in burying loved ones on their property.  Here we see a tomb in the
front yard of this house.  The grave sites are very colorful!

In the photo on the left, the tram is directly over the Fair Princess.  The tram stopped over the ship.  We were
showered with a variety of flowers.  What a sight as they fell!!  All the passengers were looking up, some tried to
catch the petals.  Everyone was amazed and overjoyed at what was taking place.  What a way to wish us farewell!  
The photo to the right shows petals in and around the pool.  The ship was covered in petals!  The passengers
talked about this incredible show for the rest of the cruise.  As I type this, I remember it as if it were yesterday!  
Never again would I be entertained like this leaving a port!!  Many thanks to the people of Pago Pago!!
Left  - A view of one of the peaks on Bora Bora.  
Right - Another view of Bora Bora.  The huts in the water are actually part of a hotel.
Leaving Pago Pago was incredible!  As the last passengers came on board and the ship began to pull up
its gangplank, etc., we were entertained by local dancers and singers seen here.  The dancers and singers
were of all ages.  In no other port have I seen, or will see, such a show!!
Pago Pago.  This was a show like no other!   The photo on the left shows the hill where the tram is located.  
The photo on the right shows the tram heading our way.   The dancers/singers could be seen on the dock
waving at us as the tram approached.   The sky was somewhat cloudy but it did not affect the show that
was to follow.
03/08/06, 05/12/20
South Pacific Cruise, 1989, Page B
The Fair Princess docked in Pago Pago, Tutuila, American Samoa
The Congregational Christian Church in Leone
Area where local dancers put on a show.  See below.
These dancers put on a show for us as the ship docked and outdid themselves when the ship was leaving.
And after the magnificent flower show, this boat raced past us!
The dancers

On September 29, 2009, an undersea earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter Scale hit the area at about 6:48 a.m.
local time.  The earthquake produced a tsunami that hit America Samoa, Samoa and West Samoa.  There were
casualties and much destruction.  My prayers go out to the people of these beautiful islands!

April 19, 2020 - I began cleaning out my closets a while back since I decided to rent the small room of my apartment
to a friend.  I had to shift things around which had been stored in the closets to make space.  In so doing, I decided
to get rid of the many photo albums I had stored in the foyer closet.  Damn, I did not know I had that many photo
albums.  Before shredding the photos/postcards and souvenirs, I looked at them and decided to keep a few.
I will post what I saved and scanned on various pages.   Some photos and postcards may be posted on other
pages.  Everything posted will be as scanned without adjusting the photo for color, clarity, etc.  
What you see is what you get.  Watermark will not be added.  No kallaloo here, just simplicity.

Below are the photos/postcards/souvenirs being added.  Keep in mind, some may be duplicates.  


Above - My photograph

Left - The Congregational Christian Church in Leone,
American Samoa stands near the site where John Williams,
the first missionary in Samoa, landed in 1832.
(c) Van Kirk Photo
Left - A ride up the cable car provides spectacular views of Pago Pago harbor.
Right - Photo of cable car bought on ship.  Cable car used to disperse flowers as the ship was leaving the harbor.
Pago Pago final salute to the ship and its passengers.
Flowers and petals in the
swimming pool.