The Fijian Royal Band playing for us as the ship
docked in Suva.
A guard at the Presidential Palace, Fiji
A not too good shot of downtown Suva.  Taken as we
drove through the area.

The islands of the Pacific are divided into Polynesia (Hawaii, Tahiti, American Samoa, etc.), Melanesia
(Fiji, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, etc.), and Micronesia (Guam, Caroline and Marshall Islands, etc.).
During this cruise, we visited islands in Polynesia and Melanesia.

When crossing the international date line, midnight on March 15th welcomed in March 17th, not March 16th.  
We lost a day, that would be "regained" as we headed back to the U.S.A.
Church of Immaculate Conception, New Calendonia.
03/10/06, 05/12/20
South Pacific Cruise, 1989, Page C
The Fijian Royal Band playing for us.
Centenary Methodist Church
Left - A Fijian boy and a turtle.  Right - the shark caught by members of the crew. Was it cooked & served to us???
Left - Entering the port of Noumea, New Caledonia.  Right - A view of Noumea.  
For some reason, we were not able to visit New Zealand, which would have been our next two stops.  Some said
there was a storm in the area, others said the ship was having mechanical problems and had to stay in Fiji an
extra day in order to be repaired.  Instead of New Zealand, we visited New Caledonia.
Local dancers came on board to entertain us!
Sunset over Caledonia
Postcard of Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie.  Photo by P.A. Pantz

At the Pacific Harbor Cultural Centre and Market Place, Fiji.  Show included a fire walker, dancers and singers.
Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie (New Calendonia).  The only English traffic sign is STOP.  It was explained to us that
when it was changed to Pare there were too many accidents so it was changed back.  The island was once used by
the Americans as a base.  The street in photo on right ends at the foot of a church.
More views of Nouméa.
Posing in front of the Fair Princess on the dock in Fiji. By the time I returned from the island tour, a few of
the crew had caught a shark.  (Photo below.)  We wondered if  it would be served during the cruise!

April 19. 2020 - I began cleaning out my closets a while back since I decided to rent the small room of my apartment
to a friend.  I had to shift things around which had been stored in the closets to make space.  In so doing, I decided
to get rid of the many photo albums I had stored in the foyer closet.  Damn, I did not know I had that many photo
albums.  Before shredding the photos/postcards and souvenirs, I looked at them and decided to keep a few.
I will post what I saved and scanned on various pages.   Some photos and postcards may be posted on other
pages.  Everything posted will be as scanned without adjusting the photo for color, clarity, etc.  
What you see is what you get.  Watermark will not be added.  No kallaloo here, just simplicity.

Below are the photos/postcards/souvenirs being added.  Keep in mind, some may be duplicates.  

Guard - Presidential Palace.
View of Navini Island Resort, Fiji.
(c) Arthur Reed
Treasure Island, Fiji
(c) James Siers
Fijian Children
(c) James Siers
Noumeá, New Caledonia
Local dancers who performed
for the passengers.
Nouvelle Calédonie
(c) P.A. Pantz
Nouméa et sa cathédrale au couchant  (c) P.A. Pantz
La fontaine Céleste, Place des
Cocotiers.  (c) P.A. Pantz
Noumea:  Anse vata.  (c) P.A. Pantz
Nuvelle Caledonie, Noumea.  Anse vata au couchant.  (c) P.A. Pantz
Ile des pins (c) Eric Dell'erba
I taped the 3 coins to the card.
Presidential Palace
Card and postage are similar.
First day issue.
March 23, 1988.
Mother and baby???
You will find this also on 1979 page.