Another view of house we lived in on Queen Cross Street.  

Hospital St. is next block over.  On the SE corner was
agrocery store (Don Tomas), and my aunt
lived close by.
Gingerbread-style (Victorian) house on
Strand Street, 1974.   Magnificent architecture.  Gardine
family owned/lived in the house.  A.H. Riise once had
store on first floor.  Around corner was the
Frederiksted Theater.  I cannot remember setting foot
in the theater.  I do remember, however, going to the
Alexander Theater in Christiansted.
The Bandstand.  This photo was taken in 1987.  
The bandstand was used for different functions.  
Fort Frederik is to the right, Custom House to the left.

The park is now named in honor of the prominent figure
of the 1848 slave revolt, Buddhoe.
Fort Frederik.  This photo was taken June 1989,
3 months before Hurricane Hugo hit the island.

The fort, and the bandstand in photo to left, is the area
of the 1848 slave revolt.   The Danish governor
proclaimed the slaves free!
Aerial view of Frederiksted.  Photo taken in 1978 from
a plane as it was approaching the Alexander
Hamilton Airport (now the Henry  E. Rohlsen).   
I think I was coming from San Juan.
Don Maldonado's store.  This was a grocery store
on  Prince at the intersection of Market.  This is one
of the places we frequented to buy candies, etc,
before/after school.
Park on Strand Street.  This is before Hugo.   In 2005 was
being rebuilt.  My friends & I would sit here and watch
the various ships come to port.  We'd try to guess the
type of ship it was from the time it appeared on the horizon.  
"Willy" Monell got it right most of the time!
Windmill.  Many windmills dotted the landscape of
St. Croix.  Used to pump water from wells, etc.  This one
is/was on the other side of Plantation, in what I think
is/was Oscar Henry's property.  We frequented one
whenever we visited La Granja, Estate Whim.    
Photo taken in 1980.
Photo taken looking east, old dock, Strand St. in the
background.  Taken in 1986.
Nuclear submarine.  Rivera family surveying the sub.  
Photo taken 1986.

The old and new pier side by side.  
This photo taken from Scenic Road in April 1989.  
Old pier was eventually demolished.
These mills can be found throughout St. Croix.  This shot
was taken from the Scenic Road.  Mill is on a hill top.  
How were the stones to build the mills transported to
such remote places?  Slave power?  Mule power?  Both?
02/19/06, 05/31/20
St. Croix, Page 1

The following was given to me by my sister, Nilsa.  I think it was given to her at a wedding or vows renewal, Marisol &
Fermin, 12/24/06.  The glass mill was made by Jan Mitchell, Virgin Islands.

April 19, 2020 - I began cleaning out my closets a while back since I decided to rent the small room of my apartment  
to a friend.  I had to shift things around which had been stored in the closets to make space.  In so doing, I decided
to get rid of the many photo albums I had stored in the foyer closet.  Damn, I did not know I had that many photo
albums.  Before shredding the photos/postcards and souvenirs, I looked at them and decided to keep a few.
I will post what I saved and scanned on various pages.   Some photos and postcards may be posted on other
pages.  Everything posted will be as scanned without adjusting the photo for color, clarity, etc.  
What you see is what you get.  Watermark will not be added.  No kallaloo here, just simplicity.

Below are the photos/postcards/souvenirs being added.  Keep in mind, some may be duplicates.  

(c) Pub. by The Caribbean Card Co.
Aerial view of St. Croix.  From Two Williams to Sandy Point.
Taken by me on a flight from
San Juan.  1978
Montpelier: Perpetual Help Chapel.  During the school year,
we'd walk here for a retreat.  Chapel eventually destroyed by
a hurricane.    1988
Montpelier:  A shrine built on the premises where the Perpetual Help Chapel
once stood.  1991
The aqueduct system that once ran along Mahogany Road.  1980
The old pier.
The old park on
Strand Street.
Strand Street.  These columns were replaced by different ones when the
Strand St. Park was renovated.  1980
Partial view of Strand Street.  
(c) Don Hebert.