12/29/09, 06/05/20
St Croix - Page 27 B

These photos were taken during my November to December 2009 trip.
Lizard on a stick
Eight pigeons holding a meeting on a wire.
Falcon perched on top of a palm tree
Two mountain doves, taking a break from the sun.
An egret resting in the shade.
The same egret (gahlin) having lunch, a mouse!
A pelican taking a rest after a dive.  
At right a pelican in flight.
Pomegranate flowers
(Crucian - Pomgrana)
Pomegranate - almost ripe.
Two varieties of avocado.
Two varieties of sugar apple.
Pigeon peas
Inside a sugar apple (green variety).
Inside sugar apple (purple variety).
Pigeon peas flowers.  Yellow flowers usually produce
green peas while the red flowers produce purple or
spotted peas.
Inside a pomegranate
Passion fruit
(Parcha, Spanish)

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers.  Many are wild flowers.

The seed pod
from a
tree.  When
it matures
it opens
and the
seeds fall.  
The seeds
rotate like
propellers as
they fall to the
allowing them
to land at
from the
After it rained.
This small blue flower is from a wild grass.
Beautiful flowers from a vine that can be annoying; tends
to strangle other plants/trees.
Wild flower
Wild flower
Vinca.  Ma called these "playeras".  They come in various
colors.  Center can vary in color from flower to flower
Hoya.  Ma called it "miosoti"
Ma had these growing mostly in the back.  
They grow quickly and spread rapidly.  Hard to get rid
of.  They opened in early morning but would close as
soon as it became too hot.
See Fruits 1 and Fruits 2 for more photos of fruits.