01/24/10, 06/06/20
St Croix - Page 28

These photos were taken during my January 10th to January 23rd trip to St. Croix.
Beautiful bougainvillea
Wild flower
A sunset!!
This lizard dug a hole, laid an egg then began to cover it
with dirt.
<----- Egg
The Bethel Methodist Church, next to Marley Homes
Looking south towards Sandy Point.
Looking north towards the Fish Market
Looking north.  Visible are stairs leading to park that runs till the Fish market, next to Marley Houses.  
Celebrity cruise ship, Summit,  at pier.
René (nephew) strolling down the waterfront park.
See pink house on Page 25
Green Seaside Grapes.   
Reddish / purplish when ripe.
Pelicans on a break from fishing.  They do not need to use a boat to fish!
A panoramic view....looking north.  If this photo was expanded more, the pier would look curved.
These two views are from Fort Frederik
René and I toured Fort Frederik museum.  At right, you can see the mahogany furniture on display.  
Mother is always known but dad???
Looking out the window of the display room.

Left - Photo taken by René.  Right - Display of what Bethlehem Sugar Factory looked like when it was up and running.  
Some buildings still stand, including the chimney.  See
Page 27A.
Left - Display of the transfer from Danish to U.S.A. rule.  Right - View of canons from courtyard.
Display of island architecture.  Left - building from the front.  At right, the cut outs let you see the rooms.  
Store is on the first floor. Another display follows.
Left - Fort as seen from canons.  Right - The future site of the Frederiksted Westleyan Holiness Church.  
Wild flower
Ant hill.  Called ants nest on St. Croix.
Beautiful flower but I have no idea what it is.  Very popular with
birds when the red pod turns into a black seed.

Jo-jo plum;
left is
right is
Guava - white pulp.
Another beautiful sunset!!
The very fast Yellow Breast (or Bananaquit).  
On St. Croix it is also called Sin Sin.  I sat still for hours to get these few photos.
Mr. Cool
Want to see a beautiful photos of a Bananaquit?  Click here.

The only photos I took on my April - May 2010 trip!
A Black-faced Grassquit, a finch we call Sparrow.   
The male has a black head and breast, female is all
green.  Very hard to photograph 'cause they are
always on the move!  Bird has a beautiful chirp.
See "old" clock tower by clicking here.
Two cribs, bed, etc.
Views from inside the church.

Comments, August 5, 2013 - I am in the process of going through every page I have published to date and making
some photos larger and/or adding more spaces between the photos.  Music and/or videos are being moved to the
top of the page to make it easier to turn it off should it become distracting.  I have also been adding text,
correcting misspelled words, changing links to websites that no longer exist, etc.  The entire procedure is time
consuming but  in the end will benefit those who view these pages.   
(Update, June 6, 2020 - I am again in the
process of reviewing all pages.  Audios and videos have been removed.  Links are being verified.  I am now, again,
in the process of reviewing pages.  In deleting audios/videos, I have had to redo the page to take up the space
vacated by audio/video.  Some comments changed.  Corrections made to some comments.  And so on and so forth.  
Will it ever end?)

Only today, while updating this page and others, did I realize how many trips I made to St. Croix during Ma's
illness.  Seeing the photos of her plants, flowers, etc, bring a smile to my face.  Mother loved her plants!!
Visitors were always welcome to take a clipping or an entire plant.  She could not understand why some people
did not like plants.  She took pride in her garden.  And her garden gave her beautiful flowers, fruits and

vegetables.  She'd harvest pigeon peas during the year, freeze them and have enough to give me a bag to bring
back to New York!  (Update, June 6, 2020 - I miss Ma.  I miss the beauty of St. Croix.  If it wasn't for the
Coronavirus (COVID-19, pandemic), I would leave right now to St. Croix for a vacation.)

And if I were never to return to St. Croix, I have all these photos to look at.  They will help me, and others, recall
what St. Croix was like at the time.  Others can also experience the island through my eyes and that of the camera.  
As you all know, I have been going to St. Croix yearly and will try to do so for as long as I can.
(Update, June 6, 2020 - I took a trip to St. Croix in 2019 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of my graduation
from St. Joseph's.  It was fun.  I stayed in a nice hotel, The Fred in Frederiksted.  Could not go this year due
to the global pandemic.)

St. Croix is where I was born.  St. Croix is where I was raised.  St. Croix is where I was educated.  
St. Croix is where I experienced things I could and would not experience any place else in the world.  
I thank God and Mother for giving me that opportunity!!!

About a month after I took the photos of the bird above, Ma went back to her Creator.  I know she's looking
down at my apartment and enjoying all the plants I have growing on my terrace.  And she thought I was not
listening to her every time we took a tour of her beautiful garden!!!
 (Update, June 6, 2020 - I do not have plants
on my terrace but I still have 4, 2 philodendrons and 2 Chinese evergreens, in my apartment.  I got to get back
to filling my terrace with plants.)

Mother, thanks for everything!!  I know you are in Heaven resting in peace.  Love you always!