05/25/08, 06/05/20
Frederiksted, Street By Street - Page 25

Strand Street - The Best Kept Street of Frederiksted

Before Strand (Bay) Street
Fish Market
North side of Queen Cross, looking east
Nesbitt Clinic
What we called Poor Yard.  Now a center for
seniors. See plaque and sign below!
South side of King Cross, looking east.
Was once part of the clinic and/or hospital.  
See plaque below.
North side of King Cross, looking east.
The Frederiksted Hotel
This park runs the entire stretch of Strand Street,
this photo taken from King Cross St.
South side of Hill Street, looking east.  First floor of the
two story building in foreground was once
Seven Flags Bar & Restaurant.
Hill Street from Strand St. Park
Closer view of north side of Hill St.
Portion of this building  is on Hill St. and the other on
Strand.  See other photo below, right side.
Frederiksted Mall....was once a warehouse.
North side of Market Street, looking east
This corner building was once the Royal Dane Hotel.  
See the portion of building that's on Hill Street above.
The first floor of the two story burned out building was
once the Seven Flags Bar and Restaurant.
The financial district of Frederiksted
First Bank
Athalie McFarlane-Petersen Library
Fisher Street from Stand looking east, north side.
South side of Hill Street looking east
View of park from Market Street looking south
The Gardine Family lives/lived here.  The bottom floor was  
Riise, now a restaurant.
Second floor is the residence of Miguel Garcia
and family.  Downstairs are offices.
Custom House Street, looking east, north side
Custom House Street looking east, south side.
Frederiksted Mall
Oscar Henry Custom House
Freedom statue in front
Custom House Street, looking west  towards pier.
Buddhoe Park
Vitran Bus at the first stop, Buddhoe Park
First Bank
Southeast  corner of Strand and Custom House Streets

Additional photos, taken in November 2008!

In case you can't make it out:  "Merwin Building - Robert L. Merwin & Co.,
Frederiksted's leading mecantile firm of the twentieth century, erected
this commercial building as its headquarters in 1917.  Occupation of the
site by other prominent businesses began in the 1760's."
Photo of building can be seen above.

"Frederiksted Hospital - Erected as a 2-story town house in 1803 by the
DaCosta family, this sturdy building has been greatly modified over the
years.  Major alterations occurred in the 1930's, when the residence
was converted into Frederiksted's man hospital."
Photo of the hospital can be seen above.
The well at King Cross and Strand Streets.
Market Street as seen from the shore at the foot of the park on
Strand Street.
10 Strand Street, now an art museum
See plaque below!

The following photos were taken during my April/May 2009 trip.
Above - Views of  the waterfront park (El Malecón.).  Views of Sandy Point from the park.  
A weird looking boat, said to bring divers to St. Croix
New monuments have been added to the Verne Richards Veterans Memorial Park.  Each monument represent a
branch of the armed services plus the Coast Guard.  Names of those who died while serving the country will be
added to the monuments.

Left - A view of Strand Street from the steps of the old hospital building on  King Cross, looking north.  
Right - Frederiksted Hotel is being renovated.  Balconies are being added to some of the rooms.
See wall plaque on St. Croix 28
Also see Page 27A
Also see Page 27A
Before this two story building there were wooden
structures (residences) in the area.
South side of Market Street, looking east
Photo of the Multi-Purpose
center can be seen above.
Strand and King Cross Streets.
June 2020 - Now The Fred Hotel